Saturday, April 28, 2007

Greetings, Salutations! ....I think.

I have been asked, nay, DEMANDED to join the all knowing Mosskat in her endeavours of sketchyness. And who in their right mind would refuse the request of someone with such sharp claws? >.> Er... *ahem* Yes indeed. It is nice to meet you all! I hope I'll be able to at least contribute something worthwhile every now and then.


Anonymous said...

welcome =D!!

I look forward to more of your drawins =D!!

Anonymous said...

this is a nifty char btw :3

The Ren said...

LOL I hear yah

But she forced you for good reason XD you gotz skillz!

Darke Shard said...

Welcome aboard, Shiar.

Your character design is reminiscent of the recent Final Fantasy games; must be the shorts. ^^ You should tell us a little bit more about your characters in your next post. :)