Here's an idea for a comic: The Mighty Caffein' Powerpoint Rangers.
It's the story of five zany office workers (wearing ties) who, when danger or giant monsters strike, transform into the MIGHTY CAFFEIN' POWERPOINT RANGERS (wearing five different coloured ties). They use their awesome powers to...
Well, mostly, sit around and have a meeting to discuss what strategies should be implemented, who should take the blame, making powerpoint slides to showcase what the monster of the week can do, cost-justifying the use of superweapons to destroy the enemy, and etc.
When they eventually get around to actually doing something (and after a lunch break), they'll summon their Officesupplyzords (Staplerzord, Paperclipzord, Ballpointpenzord, etc) which can combine to form the giant robot, RegionalDistrictManagerZord. It will proceed to lay the smackdown on the rampaging enemy by crushing it with an excessive amount of paperwork.
Sure, by the time the powerpoint rangers get around to actually agreeing to do anything, the monster of the week would've annihilated half the city already. (Assuming it was rampaging at a casual pace.) But that's cool, because the company the powerpoint rangers work for are the ones who get paid to rebuild the city everytime it gets blown up. HA!
Feel free to to pick up this idea and run with it. It's like a memetic pair of scissors.